Fathers shouldn't have to FIGHT for EQUAL PARENTING RIGHTS

Join the Mission to make 50/50 Joint Custody the National Standard for Active,
Involved & Caring Fathers!

They say "Fathers Don't Fight Hard Enough"

Fathers have spoken out! The right to be a parent shouldn’t require a battle—it's a fundamental human right. Yet, if a fight is what it takes, we’re ready to escalate our cause from family courts to the Supreme Court. We will persist until fathers enjoy equal rights, without the burden of proving their worth through costly and exhausting legal battles.

Our Mission

Equal Rights for Fathers

We demand updates to family laws that support marriage and coparenting, and oppose those that incentivize divorce and parental alienation. Equality in parenting rights ensures that both parents have an equal say over their children's upbringing.

Reunite kids with absent, but willing, Fathers

Our aim is to reintegrate children with their fathers and enable pathways to healthy, safe, and drama-free relationships. We believe every child deserves the love and care of both parents.

Build stronger coparenting communities

We will provide incentives for sole custodians to share parental rights. We aim to transform the family court system to enforce coparenting and eliminate biases that harm children and parents alike.

Get Involved!

Join our TRIBE on Discord. Ask any Question, get information our LIVE and in-person events, get Mentorship and much more!